In the traditional concept of great wealth is bound to our advantage, but Malcolm Gladwell [Masterpiece Outliers, the Tipping point ‘s author], combined with the scientific, historical and biblical multi-layered clues, depicts the myth of cracking ordinary normative ideas, re-interpreting the politics.
The law of strength and weakness based on the fields of governance, society, education, and creation. In the book, reverse fate brings out an important revelation of life: “The strong is not necessarily strong, the weak may not be weak, we think the advantage can be a trap, we think the disadvantage is hidden in the opportunity!”
In everyone’s life, in the face of a powerful, seemingly indestructible invisible giant – whether it is their own physical disability, distinct social class, or unjustified discrimination, power disparity in the competition. In front of the Giants, we are weak; we often only see our own vulnerability but ignore the hidden advantages. Cognitive behavior is important to one’s understanding of oneself. The problem predicament includes your mind, your mood and physiological response and awareness of one person’s behavior.

Malcolm believes the choice of result between “emotional” and “rational” decisions. Of course, “reason” is often criticized, not without problems. Another anti-trade friend, for example, said that students are encouraged to act irrationally to create the results of reason. This kind of paradoxical words is actually a common theory of “value rationality” to criticize “instrumental rationality” or “procedural rationality” of the deformation of the statement. However, I think the problem is mainly only behind the “instrumental rationality”, we want More “value rationality” and “communication rationality” as the main axis of action. There is, of course, a difference between “emotion” and “sensibility”.
The inter-relationship of “sensibility” and “emotion” had a huge difference. Sensibility refers to processes such as memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and planning. They often involve so-called controlled processes, such as when the pursuit of a goal (e.g., maintaining information in mind). Whereas there is relative agreement about what constitutes cognition, the same cannot be said about emotion. Some investigators use definitions that incorporate the concepts of drive and motivation: emotions are states elicited by rewards and punishers (Rolls, 2005). You have a heightened sense of self-awareness, so you’re good at examining yourself to determine exactly how you’re feeling – and, more importantly, what exactly made you feel that way.
I think “sensibility” is a more inclusive concept, “emotion” is relatively only one side of the outcome. Previous scientific discussions I have always opposed emotion and reason, but modern psychology has re-positioned emotion and reason as relevant systems to help humans make choices in response to environmental challenges. As Malcolm Gladwell famous book: “Blink: The Power of thinking without thinking” said: We drive emotional human decision instead of rational mind including marriage, buy a house and other complex big decisions, using emotion, the so-called gut-feeling.
To conclude, we can believe our faith would drive us with “emotions” and “sensibility”. Sometimes we are driven by our background that finds us a disadvantage. Emotions often drive our decision towards decisions, actions, and habits. Opportunities come into action and execution based on character – there are many possibilities out of science and arts of human psychology.
Malcolm believes the choice of result between “emotional” and “rational” decisions. Of course, “reason” is often criticized, not without problems. Another anti-trade friend, for example, said that students are encouraged to act irrationally to create the results of reason. This kind of paradoxical words is actually a common theory of “value rationality” to criticize “instrumental rationality” or “procedural rationality” of the deformation of the statement. However, I think the problem is mainly only behind the “instrumental rationality”, we want More “value rationality” and “communication rationality” as the main axis of action. There is, of course, a difference between “emotion” and “sensibility”.
The inter-relationship of “sensibility” and “emotion” had a huge difference. Sensibility refers to processes such as memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and planning. They often involve so-called controlled processes, such as when the pursuit of a goal (e.g., maintaining information in mind). Whereas there is relative agreement about what constitutes cognition, the same cannot be said about emotion. Some investigators use definitions that incorporate the concepts of drive and motivation: emotions are states elicited by rewards and punishers (Rolls, 2005). You have a heightened sense of self-awareness, so you’re good at examining yourself to determine exactly how you’re feeling – and, more importantly, what exactly made you feel that way.
I think “sensibility” is a more inclusive concept, “emotion” is relatively only one side of the outcome. Previous scientific discussions I have always opposed emotion and reason, but modern psychology has re-positioned emotion and reason as relevant systems to help humans make choices in response to environmental challenges. As Malcolm Gladwell famous book: “Blink: The Power of thinking without thinking” said: We drive emotional human decision instead of rational mind including marriage, buy a house and other complex big decisions, using emotion, the so-called gut-feeling.
To conclude, we can believe our faith would drive us with “emotions” and “sensibility”. Sometimes we are driven by our background that finds us a disadvantage. Emotions often drive our decision towards decisions, actions, and habits. Opportunities come into action and execution based on character – there are many possibilities out of science and arts of human psychology.
The Destiny Team