Embracing your sanity that comes in a package

The modern mom is busy.  Whether she works outside of the home, runs a business or prides herself in focusing on her children, a modern mom has a packed schedule usually from before the kids wake up (say, 6 a.m.) ‘til after she’s scheduled a bit of “we” time with her partner (assuming she’s got one, say 11 p.m.).  When there’s so much going on, it’s really easy to lose your cool every now and then.  While her male counterpart may come home and kick his feet up to call it a day, women in Hong Kong still need to inspect the kids’ homework, taste the domestic helper’s cooking, ensure that the chores have been properly completed AND still look good.  Can you say T-I-R-E-D?

With a schedule that packed, it’s no wonder so many women suffer from stress, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.  There’s just no outlet for what’s going on in the inside.  Sometimes it’s the people who surround us that take the brunt of it.  Partner, children, domestic helper, parents, colleagues, the list goes on.  While some have reaped the benefits of the daily practice of yoga & meditation, not everyone is ready to sit still and be still (in body and mind).  I’ve often heard feedback that yoga and meditation are boring.  Many women allow their emotions to completely wreck havoc to their otherwise satisfying life. When your emotions are completely out of whack, it doesn’t matter what the other person is saying, you are affected by what’s stirring beneath the surface.  A well-meaning remark by someone to get you motivated may be received as an insult.  A gentle caress by a loving partner may be interpreted as an annoying attempt to get sexual when you’re already depleted.  Admit it – it happens.

The solution really lies in recognizing the emotions at play.  If you’re fortunate, you’ll have a high degree of self-awareness and be able to contain situations before they get out of control.  Otherwise, what you may need is someone to be on your speed dial who is not your best friend or your family.  Try finding yourself a coach.  Life coaches are objective guides who are there to share an objective picture of what they see from what you have depicted.  Their aim is to help you through your crisis, which often means helping you tame your emotions before they get the best of you.  Much like couples don’t go to marriage counseling after a divorce, coaching should come into the picture before you make critical decisions.  They won’t do it for you, but they can help you master your emotions leading up to it.  Nobody guarantees that hiring a life coach may turn your stormy seas into rainbows and lullabies, but it’s the first step in getting the most important thing sorted out – your emotions. So if good things come in small packages, why wouldn’t your sanity also come in a package?

Judy Wong

Writer, Speaker and Lifestyle Coach