Author Archives: drihk

Only Innovation can Save the Business World in the New Normal

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that even the most comfortable organizations can be shaken to the core.  Every organization has been affected in one way or another.  Despite the negatives brought about by the pandemic, smart organizations are already taking lessons taught by the situation and running with them.  Smart organizations have learned that…

New Business Strategies for Leaders and Business Owners after the Post-Covid-19 Era

“The historic challenge for leaders is to manage the crisis while building the future.” – Henry Kissinger It’s is a given fact that many businesses will have to change their way of doing things post-Covid-19 era.  The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most unanticipated disruptions in the business world.  It has rewritten the…

How To Handle And Manage A Love Relationship Within The Same Workplace For Couple Leaders?

Often, workplace relationships can be inevitable. Colleagues spend a lot of their working time together and relationships are bound to happen in one form or another. While some workplaces completely forbid work relationships, others are open to the possibility of romantic relationships developing at the workplace. How can one handle and manage a love relationship…

Is Meritocracy Better Than a Blood Relationship for Family Succession Planning?

Transitioning of family businesses from one generation to another is a common challenge.  However, as family businesses continue to blossom, many are recognizing the need for succession planning.  Often, when the lone-founder of the business leaves, many family businesses tend to crumble. Research has shown that many Chinese family businesses don’t last the past three…