Author Archives: dri admin

Boost Your Well-being and Success at Work: The Science Behind Mindful Breaks

In Hong Kong’s fast-paced working environment, getting caught up in tasks, projects, and meetings is incredibly easy. So we completely forget about taking breaks or even lunch.  However, we don’t realize that by not creating pauses for ourselves to regroup, we actually end up hurting the quality of our work and, more importantly, ourselves. When…

Revitalize Your Lunch Break: Join “Lunch Retreat” for a Midday Oasis!

We often face stress and challenges in work. During these times, positive psychology can help us maintain positive emotions and relationships, and promote personal growth. We care deeply about your mental and emotional wellbeing, and we want to provide you with support and help. In the workplace, positive psychology can bring many benefits to you…

Why We Should Aim for Consistency, Not Perfection, in All Areas of Life?

Society has led us to believe that to achieve consistency, the key is never to miss. That means never missing a workout, eating “unhealthy foods, or missing a deadline. No matter what you are doing, you must be perfect if you want to be consistent.  Consistency doesn’t equal perfection  This “ never miss” mentality is…

The High Cost of Losing Talent: How to Keep Your Team Engaged and Productive in the Post COVID World?

The past 3 years have been a time of unprecedented change and upheaval for businesses around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to adapt to new ways of working and has fundamentally altered the way we think about the workplace. But now that the worst of the pandemic seems to be behind…