Destiny Mapping 2023 – Why New Year’s Resolutions Always Fail?

Every year, people make New Year’s resolutions to achieve their goals and improve their health and their lives. Some people succeed in keeping their resolutions, while many others fail.

Goal Setting Statistsics for 2022

Let’s take a look at the research results from Discover Happy Habits on goal setting in 2022.

Only 23% of survey participants planned on making new years resolutions. The most popular resolutions for 2022 are living healthier (23%), personal improvement and happiness (21%), and losing weight (20%).

Overall Success / Failure Rates

According to a 2016 study, 41% of survey participants who make New Years resolutions, by the end of the year only 9% feel they are successful in keeping them.

An earlier study in 2007 showed that 12% of people who set resolutions are successful even though 52% of the participants were confident of success at the beginning.

Success / Failure Rates Over the First 6 Months

Another study showed that, of those who make a New Year’s resolution, after 1 week 75% are still successful in keeping it.

After two weeks, the number drops to 71%.

After 1 month, the number drops again to 64%.

And after 6 months, 46% of people who make a resolution are still successful in keeping it.

In comparison, of those people who have similar goals but do not set a resolution, only 4% are still successful after 6 months.

Reasons for Failure

So what are the reasons for failure in keeping our goals?

In one 2014 study, 35% of participants who failed their New Year’s Resolutions said they had unrealistic goals.

33% of participants who failed didn’t keep track of their progress.

23% forgot about their resolutions.

About one in 10 people who failed said they made too many resolutions.

How to Reach Our Goals Successfully?

  • Create Our Plan. Try to break our habit down into three parts: a cue, a routine, and a reward.  Identify what keeps our failure in reaching our goals (cue). It usually comes with repeated behaviour (routine). Breaks this routine and go back to the right track in achieving our goals. When it is done, get ourselves with some celebrations (rewards).
  • Find a Community. We do not need to do it alone, especially if our resolution starts in the new year when we will have plenty of company in trying to make a life change. Declare our goals to our community and share our progress with our peers to strengthen our ability to achieve them.
  • Get a Coach. A goal-setting coach will help you get clarity about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it. They can help with a range of services including self-confidence, time management, work / life balance, and career progression.

Despite there is a statistically high likelihood of failure putting us off from making a New Year’s resolution, we can use these findings to remind ourselves what to do or not to do. In this way, we can be more active and smooth on the way to achieve our goals.

The Destiny Team

Achieving your goals brings us priceless satisfaction and joy. Download our Destiny Mapping 2023 at FREE to strengthen your ability in setting, and achieving your New Year’s resolution HERE.

Sources: Discover Happy Habits, Forbes